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  July 2011. InsuleurVoice nº 10 
The InnoNauTICs project partners launch Nauticaleurope.com to bring together the offer of the Euro-Mediterranean nautical sector
The InnoNauTICs has achieved one of its milestones. INSULEUR partners involved in this project officially launched in early July at its meeting in Heraklion (Greece) Nauticaleurope.com platform, which brings together nautical sector offer from the four countries that are developing this project so far: Spain, France, Italy and Greece, and intends to include 850 companies.
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The sailing boat ‘Treaty of Rome’ will promote Nauticaleurope.com throughout Euro-Mediterranean islands ports
The InnoNauTICs project, as well as its webportal www.nauticaleurope.com, will count on a very special partner to promote its activities throughout various Euro-Mediterranean islands ports: the saling boat ‘Treaty of Rome'.
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INSULEUR participated in the European debate on cohesion policy
INSULEUR, the Network of Insular Chambers of the European Union, which represents more than 40 Chambers from seven EU countries, is satisfied by the intention showed by the European Commission in his 5th Cohesion Report to introduce the territorial dimension of cohesion policy in its new programs, but regrets that the document doesn't go deeper on islands problems.
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Next INSULEUR Forum will take part in Cagliari (Italy) on 20th and 21st October 2011
Organized by our INSULEUR network and in close collaboration with the Cagliari Chamber of Commerce, the 11th Annual Forum of our European Network of Island Chambers will take place in Cagliari (Italy), on 20th and 21st October 2011.
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Insuleur will take part next October in Brussels in the debate on how EU policies affect islands
Insuleur will participate next October at the Open Day organized in Brussels to review how EU policies affect the European islands and what can be done for them to have equal opportunities as continental regions.
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General Assembly of INSULEUR in Brussels
The General Assembly of INSULEUR took place in Brussels on May 27, 2011. The European activities of the first semester 2011 were discussed (review of the cohesion policy, InnoNauTICs project, etc.).
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INSULEUR shows its support to Spanish Chambers of Commerce after the adoption of their new legislation
The General Assembly of INSULEUR adopted during its last meeting in Brussels a declaration showing its support to the Spanish Chambers of Commerce following the legislation change they suffered on December 2010.
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For more information:

InsulerVoice Coordinator: Silvia Delgado |´ innovacionmallorca@camaras.org | Tel: +34 971 71 01 88
Antonio Cañellas | crmallorca@camaras.org | Tel: +34 971 710188
INSULEUR representative to the EU in Brussels: Carine Piaguet | c.piaguet@acfci.cci.fr | Tel: +32 2 2210434
INSULEURVOICE is powered by: INSULEUR & Mallorca Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation