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  December 2011. InsuleurVoice nº 11 
Mallorca will hold in february a public hearing of the EESC Working Group regarding islands
Mallorca Chamber of Commerce (Balearic Islands) will organize on 16th and 17th February 2012 in Palma de Mallorca a public hearing in the framework of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) Working Group preparing a report on islands.
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The European Council and the European Parliament start discussions regarding Cohesion Policy 2014-2020
Following the presentation by the European Commission of its proposals for structural funds post 2013, the European Council and the European Parliament have started discussions regarding this issue. Click on ‘read more’ and you’ll find an article written by INSULEUR regarding this issue (in French, English version coming soon).
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INSULEUR held on 21 October its annual Forum and issued a common declaration regarding infraestructure and transport
INSULEUR held its XI Forum in Cagliari on 21 October 2011 on "Infrastructure and Transport: Territorial cohesion and economic growth for the islands". The partners also adopted a common statement regarding management of port and airport infraestructures.
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For more information:

InsulerVoice Coordinator: Silvia Delgado |´ innovacionmallorca@camaras.org | Tel: +34 971 71 01 88
Antonio Cañellas | crmallorca@camaras.org | Tel: +34 971 710188
INSULEUR representative to the EU in Brussels: Carine Piaguet | c.piaguet@acfci.cci.fr | Tel: +32 2 2210434
INSULEURVOICE is powered by: INSULEUR & Mallorca Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation